Clear + Brilliant® Laser Treatment
What is Clear + Brilliant?
Clear + Brilliant® is a gentle treatment that uses fractional laser technology to address and prevent the early signs of aging skin, reduce pigmentation, reduce pore size and offer an overall softness and glow.
How does it work?
Clear + Brilliant® works by creating hundreds of thousands of microscopic treatment zones in the upper layers of the skin, creating a thermal injury, which replaces damaged skin with healthy looking tissue and yields younger-looking skin.
Is this procedure right for me?
No matter how old you are, sun exposure, environmental conditions, and lifestyle can contribute to lackluster skin. Whether you want to prolong the younger look of your skin or address the early signs of aging, Clear + Brilliant® can help. As with any medical aesthetic procedure, consultations are encouraged to see if this treatment is right for you.
Is there downtime?
No. The beauty of Clear and Brilliant® is that you can go right back to living life with some precaution and after care instruction. While your skin will take 4-6 days to go through a minimal transition, no one would truly see that you have had a treatment unless you tell them. Your skin care professional will send you home with acceptable products to use during your transition phase. This treatment is ideal for someone that is busy and can’t take any downtime that often happens with some of the other, more aggressive laser treatments.
How many Clear and Brilliant treatments are necessary?
Truly, it depends on what you and your skin professional are attempting to correct. Some individuals are happy after one but oftentimes, 2-6 may be necessary to achieve optimal results. If a series is necessary, spreading the treatments out to every 4-6 weeks is advised. Results will start to show within a couple weeks.
How much does a Clear + Brilliant cost?
For more information on the cost of Clear + Brilliant®, click here.
For more information on this or any other topic, give us a call at 970.927.1141 for our Willits location or 970.429.8909 for our Aspen location.